10 February 2019

Black Swan: a unique symbol of Australianness

In Sydney, Centennial Parklands is the best place to watch Black Swans

The black swan is a large waterbird native to Australia.  It is the world’s only mostly black swan. This bird, often equated with antipodean identity, has been called ‘the impossible bird’ by Australian Geographic.

“...owing to a belief in Europe, dating back 2000 years to Roman poet Juvenal, that swans are invariably white. Like purple cows and flying pigs, the black swan was a symbol of what was impossible. In medieval Europe, unicorns had more credibility. Dutch navigator Willem de Vlamingh, by finding black swans in Western Australia in 1697, showed how risky it is to declare something impossible.”

-- Tim Low, Australian Geographic

In Sydney, Centennial Parklands is the best place to watch these magnificent creatures gliding gracefully on water or waddling through the grass foraging for food.

A black swan foraging for food